Drawing Performatively
Tracing Out
Tracing Out
Tracing Out
M.Lohrum (Madeleine Lohrum Strancari). Tenerife, 1986.
- PhD Fine Art, Universidad de La Laguna, December 2023.
- MA Fine Art, Central Saint Martins, UAL, July 2017.
- Graduate in Fine Arts. "Premio extraordinario de fin de carrera," prize awarded to the most outstanding graduate in Fine Arts, Universidad de La Laguna, June 2013.
2025. - Shortlisted for the John Ruskin Prize.
2024. - Winner of the IV Concurso Artístico Fundación Canaria para el Desarrollo de la xxxxxxPintura- Auteide.
2023. - Shortlisted for the Manifest Second of Nine Season 20 Grand Jury Awards.
- 2023. - Shorlisted for Gregorio Prieto Drawing Contest.
- 2023. - Shortlisted for the ING Discerning Eye Exhibition 2023.
- 2023. - Shortlisted for the London Group Open.
- 2023. - Shortlisted for the RBSA Drawing Prize.
- 2023. - Longlisted for the Visual Art Open.
2022. - Shortlisted for the ING Discerning Eye Exhibition 2022.
- 2022. - Shortlisted for the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2022.
2021. - Shortlisted for the ING Discerning Eye Exhibition 2021.
- 2021. - Shortlisted for The Visual Art Open.
- 2021. - Winner of Zealous Stories: Performance.
- 2021. - Shortlisted for the Premio de Artes Plásticas Manolo Millares 2021.
2020. - 1st Prize. Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2020.
- 2020. - Shortlisted for the Visarte Corona Call.
- 2020. - Shortlisted for Zealous Stories: Performance.
2019. - Shortlisted for the People's Choice Award Signature Art Prize in the Drawing and Printmaking xxxxxxxcategory.
2017. - Longlisted for the Celeste Prize in the Installation, Sculpture & Performance category.
2013. - "Premio extraordinario de fin de carrera," prize awarded to the most outstanding graduate in Fine xxxxxxxArts , Universidad de La Laguna.
2011. - Special commendation in Javier Molina's first photography competition.
2024. - Galería ATC, S/C de Tenerife, Spain. 'Black Field: Feet Drawings'.
- 2024. - Galería Manuel Ojeda, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. 'Snippets of Rhythm'.
- 2024. - Proposition Gallery, London, UK. 'Open Form', a collaborative project between M.Lohrum and Calvin xxxxxxxRichardson. Commissioned by Flux Projects Ltd.
2023. - Sala de Exposiciones del Itto. Canarias Cabrera Pinto, La Laguna, Spain. 'Drawing is Action'.
- 2023.- Centro de Arte La Regenta, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. 'Drawing is Action'.
2022. - The Stone Space, London, UK. 'Re-Thinking the Trace: The Stone Space'.
2021. - Galería Manuel Ojeda. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. 'Performative Traces'.
2019. - TEA (Tenerife Espacio de las Artes). S/C de Tenerife, Spain, 'Re-Thinking the Trace', supported by xxxxxxxTenerife Espacio de las Artes (TEA).
2018. - Espacio TEA Candelaria. Candelaria, Spain. 'Re-Thinking the Trace', supported by Tenerife Espacio de xxxxxxxlas Artes (TEA).
- 2018. - Espacio TEA Garachico. Garachico, Spain. 'Re-Thinking the Trace', supported by Tenerife Espacio de xxxxxxxlas Artes (TEA).
2014. - Ermita del Gran Poder. La Laguna, Spain. 'Kafka'.
- 2014. - Espacio Cultural El Tanque. S/C de Tenerife, Spain. 'Homo Videns - Homo Imago'
- 2014. - Ermita de San Miguel. La Laguna, Spain. 'Teatro de lo absurdo'.
- 2009. Sala de Exposiciones del Club Náutico de Bajamar. Bajamar, Spain. 'Cosmos'
2024. - Galleria Napa, Lapland, Finland. An Open Drawing Exhibition at the Artic Circle.
- 2024. - Close-Up Cinema, London, UK. Tracing Movement - Film Sreening.
- 2024. - Nunnery Gallery, London. 'Perches: Somewhere, Anywhere, Nowhere'. Curated by Hong Dao.
- 2024. - Millbank Tower, London. 'Afterwalls. Of the Panopticon and its Ruins'. Curated by Catherine Li.
- 2024. - Manifest, Creative research gallery and drawing center, Cincinati, US. 'Master Pieces. 18th Annual xxxxxxxEmerging Masters Exhibit'.
- 2024. - Casa de la Cultura, Arrecife, Spain. 'Arte Docente'.
- 2024. - Museumsquartier Osnabrück / Felix-Nussbaum-Haus, Germany. 'Blackbirds Singing in the Dark' as xxxxxxxpart of the 37th European Media Art Festival.
- 2024. - Draw Space, Sydney, Australia. International Performance Drawing Series.
- 2024. - Centro Cultural Casa de Vacas, parque de El Retiro, Madrid, Spain. 'XXVI Certamen de Dibujo Gregorio xxxxxxxPrieto'.
2023. - Museo Gregorio Prieto, Valdepeñas, Spain. 'XXVI Certamen de Dibujo Gregorio Prieto'.
- 2023. - The Mall Galleries, London, UK. 'ING Discerning Eye Exhibition'.
- 2023. - Manifest, Creative research gallery and drawing center, Cincinnati, US. 'Momentum'.
- 2023. - Espacio Cultural el Tanque, Spain. 'Keroxen Festival'.
- 2023. - Copeland Gallery, London, UK. 'London Group Open'.
- 2023. - Royal Birmingham Society of Artists, Birmingham. 'RBSA Drawing Prize'.
- 2023. - Fundação Eugénio de Almeida, Évora, Portugal. 'Fenda'.
- 2023. - Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain. Performance congress ‘Acción Spring(t) ’'Energy Lapse', xxxxxxxin collaboration with Robert Luzar.
- 2023. - Royal Museums of Greenwich. Circumnavigation: Drawing Symposium. '6 Feet'
- 2023. - ArtHouse Jersey, Jersey, UK. 'Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize'.
2022. - The Willis Museum & Sainsbury Gallery, Basingtoke, UK. 'Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize'.
- 2022. - The Mall Galleries, London, UK. 'ING Discerning Eye Exhibition'.
- 2022. - Trinity Buoy Wharf, London, UK. 'Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize'.
- 2022. - Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain. Performance congress ‘Acción Spring(t) ’'Tens--Tact', in xxxxxxxcollaboration with Robert Luzar.
- 2022. - ABM Confecciones, Madrid, Spain. 'El Dibujo como... Papelillos de Liar'.
- 2022. - Canning Gallery, London, UK. 'Field of Action: Performative Drawings and Paintings'.
2021. - Koppel 540, London UK. 'End of Year Showcase'.
- 2021. - Galería Manuel Ojeda, Gran Canaria, Spain. 'Versos 2021 Versos 2022'.
- 2021. - The Mall Galleries, London, UK. 'ING Discerning Eye Exhibition'.
- 2021. - Fundación Caja Canarias, La Laguna, Spain. 'Premio de Artes Plásticas Manolo Millares'.
- 2021. - St John Church on Bethnal Green, London, UK. 'Last Sunset / New Sunrise'.
- 2021. - O inED (Centro de Investigación e Inovación en Educaci+on) de ESE – Politécnico do Porto, en xxxxxxxasociación con la Casa Común / Rectoría de la Universidad de Oporto y ILCML de FLU, Portugal xxxxxxx(online). 'Before this White: Distant Echoes' as part of the international congress II Musas em Ação – xxxxxxxEspessuras da [In]Visibilidade.
- 2021. - The Gallery. Arts University Bournemouth, UK. 'Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize'.
- 2021. - Trinity Buoy Wharf, London, UK. 'Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize'.
2020. - Hard-Cover Galerie, Zurich, Switzerland. 'Dance of Potentiality'.
- 2020.- Cooper Gallery DJCAD, Dundee, UK. 'Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize'.
- 2020.- Drawing Projects UK, Trowbridge, UK. 'Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize'.
- 2020.- Bétonsalon, Center for Art and Research, Paris, France. 'The Angel, Azrail', as part of the programme xxxxxx Bivouacs / Breathing Out of School, RAW Academie.
- 2020.- Clerkenworks, London, UK. 'Alter Us: Is this normality?'
- 2020.- The Koppel Project Exchange, London, UK. 'The Koppel Project Showcase'.
- 2020.- B74 Raum für Kunst, Luzern, Switzerland. 'What we do when we cannot do what we do'.
- 2020.- Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain. Performance congress ‘Acción Spring(t)’
- 2020.- Bankside Hotel, London, UK. 'Signature Art Prize'
2019. - The Koppel Project Hive Gallery, London, UK. 'Winter Open Studios'
- 2019. - Moda Kundura, Adana, Turkey. 'Every Me'
- 2019. - OffShoot Gallery, London, UK. 'No Captcha Thanks'
- 2019. - The Koppel Project Hive, London, UK. 'Summer Open Studios'
- 2019. - The Koppel Project Central, London, UK. 'Commixture performance evening'.
- 2019. - Fundação Eugénio de Almeida, Évora, Portugal. 'Studiolo XXI. Drawing and Affinities'
- 2019. - Camberwell Space, London, UK. 'Collectives at Camberwell'
- 2019. - London College of Communication, London, UK. 'Invisible material: Process, Performance and xxxxxxxScreenings'
- 2019. - Lethaby Gallery, London, UK. 'A Critical Rehearsal'
- 2019. - Tate Exchange. Blavatnik Building, Tate Modern, London, UK. 'Drawing Interstices. Building Social xxxxxx Images'.
- 2019. - Tate Exchange. Blavatnik Building, Tate Modern, London, UK. 'Entangled'.
2018. - The Koppel Project Hive, London, UK. 'Winter Open Studios'
- 2018. - The Koppel Project, London, UK. 'The A5 Show'
- 2018. - The Copper Dollar Studios, Brighton, UK. 'Draw to Perform. Live Performance Event'.
- 2018. - The Koppel Project Hive, London, UK. 'Spring Open Studios'
2017. - Lincoln Projects, London, UK. ‘Standing Block’
- 2017. - Kræ Syndikatet, Copenhagen, Denmark. 'We Take no Responsibility'
- 2017. - Baden, Switzerland. 'Badenfahrt 18'
- 2017. - Central Saint Martins. London, UK. 'Degree Show one'
- 2017. - Parfitt Gallery. Croydon, UK. 'Eat, Sleep, Print, Repeat'
- 2017. - Central Saint Martins. London, UK. 'Metaphonica. Songs of Protest and Resistance'.
- 2017. - Central Saint Martins. London, UK. 'Big Space VI '.
- 2017. - Tate Exchange. Switch House, Tate Modern. London, UK. 'mmm...' a sound performance event.
2016. - Lethaby Gallery, Central Saint Martins, London, UK. 'Art Auction'
- 2016. - Ritsurin Garden. Takamatsu, Japan. 'Complex Topography: Movement and Change'.
- 2016. - Hartslane Studio. London, UK. 'Step Naked into the Garden of Virtual Delights'.
- 2016. - The Laundry. London, UK. 'Our Laughter will drown your sorrows'
2015. - Bargehouse. London, UK. 'We all Draw'
2014. - Tenerife Espacio de las Artes (TEA). S/C de Tenerife, Spain. 'Proyecta-arte'
2013. - Tenerife Espacio de las Artes (TEA). S/C de Tenerife, Spain. 'Atlántica colectivas. Fotonoviembre'
- 2013. - Espacio Cultural El Tanque. S/C de Tenerife, Spain 'Keroxen13'
- 2013. - Centro de Arte La Recova. S/C de Tenerife 'Generación Difusa'.
- 2013. - Museo de Antropología e Historia de Tenerife (MAHT), La Laguna, Spain. 'Fantasmagorías.
xxxxx La presencia de lo ausente. Nuevas apariciones'.
2012. - Sala de Arte Cabrera Pinto. La Laguna, Spain. 'Proyecta-Arte'
- 2012. - Sala de Arte Cabrera Pinto. La Laguna, Spain. 'El giro académico y el giro de la academia.'
- 2012. - Museo de Antropología e Historia de Tenerife (MAHT). La Laguna, Spain. 'La Mesa'.
- 2012. - Espacio Cultural El Tanque. S/C de Tenerife, Spain. 'Keroxen'.
- 2012. - La Esperanza, Spain. 'Free Rotation' Festival
- 2012. - Sala de Arte del Ex-Convento de Santo Domingo. La Laguna, Spain. 'El concepto material.'
2011. - Espacio Cultural El Tanque. S/C de Tenerife, Spain. 'Keroxen.'
- 2011. - Sala de Arte La Caixa. La Laguna, Spain. 'Y tiro porque me toca.'
- 2011. - Tenerife Espacio de las Artes (TEA). S/C de Tenerife, Spain. Collaboration in 'Arterias Visuales.'
2010. - Museo de Antropología e Historia de Tenerife (MAHT) La Laguna, Tenerife. 'Cambio climático y cambio xxxxxx social.'
2024. - Sala de Arte Los Lavaderos. S/C de Tenerife, Spain. 'Lavaderos 07. Satélites', co-curated with Alberto xxxxxxxChinchón and Javier Sicilia as a result of Estudio07 residency programme.
2019. - Espacio Cultural El Tanque. S/C de Tenerife, Spain. 'An Archeology of the Sun', as part of the 'Mind xxxxxxxthe Gap' residency programme.
2013. - Centro de Arte La Recova. S/C de Tenerife, Spain. 'Generación Difusa'.
2012. - La Laguna, Spain. 'Territorio Habitado'.
- 2012. - La Laguna, Spain. 'Antrópolis s.XXI: El cuerpo como medida de lo político'.
- 2012. - Centro Social de Bajamar, Spain. 'PromocionArte'.
2019. - Every Me residency. Adana, Turkey.
2018. - D2P Residency. Brighton, UK.
2017. - Sampling Micro-Residency. CSM MA Art'17 Twitter. London, UK.
2016. - Tokyo Geidai Residency. Tokyo University of the Arts. Tokyo, Japan.
2024. - CEP Lanzarote, Spain. 'Dibujo y Performance'. Formación de profesorado.
2023. - Queen's College, London. 'Mark Making and Body'. Organised by Flux Projects Ltd.
- 2023. - Create and Destroy Studios, London. 'Mark Making with M.Lohrum'. Organised by Flux Projects Ltd.
2019. - Fundação Eugénio de Almeida, Évora, Portugal. 'Performance and Markmaking'
2018. - Tate Exchange. Blavatnik Building, Tate Modern, London, UK. 'Nomadic Studio', as part of ' Studio xxxxxxx Complex'.
2017. - Tate Exchange. Switch House, Tate Modern. London, UK. 'Shadow Theatre: Embodying improvisation', xxxxxxx as part of 'What is an Art School?'
2016. - Local comunity centre. Takamatsu, Japan. Collaboration with Arika Narikiyo and Alisa Holm. 'Hybrid xxxxxxx Flowers'
2024. - Universidad de Sevilla, Spain. 'Procesos del Dibujo Performativo'. Como parte del IV Congreso xxxxxxxInternacional Mujeres Creadoras: Dibujo, Diseño y Acción.
- 2024. - Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain. 'Performance y Dibujo: Limitaciones Corporales'. As part xxxxxxxof the Performance Congress Acción Spring(t).
- 2024. - Drawing Projects UK, Trowbridge, UK. 'Girl Friday Briakfast Club with M.Lohrum'.
2023. - Universidad de Sevilla, Spain. 'Participación y Lugar en el Dibujo Performativo: El Caso de 6 Feet', xxxxxx como parte del III Congreso Internacional Mujeres Creadoras: Dibujo, Diseño y Acción.
- 2023. - Royal Museums of Greenwich, London, UK. 'Sound and Vision'.
2022. - Trinity Buoy Wharf, London, UK. 'Drawing Discussion with M.Lohrum', held in association with the xxxxxx Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2022 exhibition.
- 2022. - Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain. 'El Cuerpo y la Huella en el Dibujo Performativo', as part xxxxxxxof the performance congress Acción Spring(t) V.
- 2022. - Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain. 'Dibujando Juntos: La faceta relacional del dibujo xxxxxxxperformativo', as part of III Jornada sobre dibujo contemporáneo UCM.
2021. - University of Barcelona, Spain. 'Performative Drawing: Concepts, Processess and Artworks', as part of xxxxxx the 2nd Barcelona Conference on Arts, Media & Culture (BAMC2021),
- 2021. - Universidad de Sevilla, Spain. 'Dibujo Performativo: Conceptos, Procesos y Obras', como parte del I xxxxxx Congreso Internacional Mujeres Creadoras: Dibujo, Diseño y Acción.
- 2021. - Falmouth University, Cornwall, UK. 'M. Lohrum: A Performative Drawing Practice'.
- 2021. - Online. 'DTP Online - M.Lohrum - Studio Visit', organised by Draw to Perform.
- 2021. - O inED (Centro de Investigación e Inovación en Educaci+on) de ESE – Politécnico do Porto, en xxxxxxxasociación con la Casa Común / Rectoría de la Universidad de Oporto y ILCML de FLU, Portugal. 'xxxxxxxMuses- reflection travels through indiscipline' as part of II Musas em Ação – Espessuras da xxxxxxx[In]Visibilidade.
- 2021. - Bath Spa University, UK. Postgraduate Research Forum. 'Performative Drawing: Process, Body and xxxxxx Trace'.
- 2021. - The Gallery. Arts University Bournemouth. 'The Grammar of Drawing', held in association with the xxxxxx Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2020 exhibition.
2020. - Universidad de La Laguna. 'Dibujo Performativo', as part of symposium 'Otros Dibujos'.
- 2020.- Drawing Projects UK, Trowbridge, UK. 'Drawing Discussion with M.Lohrum', held in association with the xxxxxx Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize 2020 exhibition.
- 2020.- Drawing Projects UK, Trowbridge, UK. 'How to Draw Performatively' as part of the 'Teaching Drawing xxxxxx Symposium' organised by Drawing is Free virtual residency during the exhibition of the Trinity Buoy xxxxxx Wharf Drawing Prize 2020.
- 2020.- Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP) at Osaka University, Kyoto, Japan. 'What is xxxxxxxPerformative Drawing? An Overview on Nancy and Kant's Ideas underlying process oriented drawing xxxxxxxpractices', as part of The Kyoto Conference on Arts, Media & Culture (KAMC2020).
- 2020.- Galle Face Hotel, Colombo, Sri Lanka. 'What is Performative Drawing? An Overview on Nancy and xxxxxx Kant's Ideas underlying process oriented drawing practices', as part of the International Conference xxxxxx on Music, Drama, Visual and Performing Arts.
- 2020.- Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain. 'Performance, Dibujo y la Especificidad del Lugar', as part xxxxxx of the Performance Congress 'Acción Spring(t) IV'.
2019. - Fundação Eugénio de Almeida, Évora, Portugal. 'On Performative Traces: The role of Body in xxxxxxContemporary Drawing'
- 2019.- Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain. 'Trazos Performativos: El rol del Cuerpo en el Dibujo xxxxxxContemporáneo', as part of the Performance Congress 'Acción Spring(t) III'.
2024. - [ES] Proceso, Cuerpo y Huella en el Dibujo Performativo. Capítulo de libro en El Trazo Abierto. Mujeres xxxxxx Creadoras y Dibujo Expandido. Sonia D'Agosto Forteza, Fernando Infante del Rosal y Javier Leñador xxxxxx (Eds.) Visor Libros.
2023. - [ES/EN] Drawing is Action. Exhibition catalogue. Centro de Arte La Regenta. Gobierno de Canarias.
2020. - [ES/EN] Re-Thinking the Trace. Exhibition catalogue. Tenerife Espacio de Las Artes.